What our Customers say...

Commercial Testimonials

After using another cleaning company for years on carpet cleanings, we will be using SERVPRO from this point forward. They did a great job on our carpets and flooring in our office and got it all completed in a timely manner.

Our pews & floors were in need of a major cleaning. We had heard from other people in the area that SERVPRO could do this & we are so happy we called them. They did an excellent job and we would recommend them to anyone!

When our store had a water damage over a weekend we panicked. Luckily, once everything settled down, we knew who to call as soon as it happened, SERVPRO! They were extremely time efficient & helped us get our store back to normal in no time. I will definitely recommend SERVPRO to any business or person who has a water damage from now on!

Our building was in need of a major cleaning so we knew we had to call SERVPRO to see if they were up to the task. They took on the hard task of removing the rust from the floors where the file cabinets have been for several year. They managed to get all of the rust off of the flooring!! Great job SERVPRO!

Someone had given me a gift certificate for a carpet cleaning from SERVPRO. Although I had never used them for a carpet cleaning before, I had heard good things & thought why not. The employees who came out to the office were very friendly & they did a GREAT job! I will be calling them again when I need another carpet cleaning.

SERVPRO has cleaned the carpets in all 44 of my rooms at the lodge for many years now. The employees are always professional and time & their willingness to work around my guest checkout time & check in time is wonderful! They did a great job as always!